Tuesday, October 25, 2011

its been some time,

so...its been quite a while since i last sat down to write and i have to be honest i missed it, sometimes when i write i feel like a weight is being lifted because i am getting to talk about things that have been on my mind, which for everyone is always a relief, no matter what the topic...
so this summer flew by, i was over excited this particular summer because my brother and my sister in law were having a baby boy, and that is always very emotional and exciting so all we did was wait for the good news that our family was blessed with a beautiful healthy boy who came into this world to make my family smile, his parents named him Parker Jason and i couldnt think of a better name for my first nephew. after about 2 months my brother and his newly additioned family came to nj for a visit and we got to hold Parker and spend quality time and be so grateful for the addition to the DeMuro family. gianna and rocco are now cousins finally, once they got their hands on parker, all bets were off, they love their first cousin so much and i love my nephew more than words can say! rich and lyn are great parents, such naturals and so lucky to have this brand new healthy being in their lives. parker is the most adorable baby ever and i wish them all the best.
rocco turned 5 this spring and grew up right before my eyes, i looked at him and realized he certanily isnt a baby anymore, but that certanily doesnt stop me from "babying" him, i never understood the power of loving a child until i had my own, i never thought that the look on roccos face when he first wakes up in the morning would be a look that i would love to bottle up in a mason jar and just keep it on my mantel forever, some things in life are just so worth living, especially the simple things, like roccos morning hugs and how he is so warm and always wanting to do things for others, or the incredible voice that comes from him and the laugh that makes me want to just squeeze and squeeze, but i know he is growing up and with that comes ice skates, a full body protective suit and a helmet oh and a hockey stick, yes rocco little rocco plays ice hockey and does a heck of a job. he practices 2 times a week and never hesitates and loves getting out there and skating to his hearts desire and playing like hes wayne gretzski, but maybe one day he will be, rocco is so talented at everything he does, he is a perfect little boy, and i understand that perfect doesnt really exis,t but to me, just the happy, caring, big hearted loving boy that he is...well that is perfection, and well kids say the darndest things, its true, i call them "rocco-isms" its when rocco is telling you something and it is absolutely knee slapping hilarious either because he hasnt said it right, or he repeats something in his own language that just blows you away, sometimes theyre really funny, sometimes theyre sweet and sometimes theyre caring, my favorite one thus far" i know what im going to get pop richie for christmas, a toy car"
god i love this boy...big heart, big mind, big love.
gianna gianna bo banna banana nanna fo fanna gianna! this summer g turned 8 and started 3rd grade, 8??!! didnt i just pottytrain her!!! well miss gianna how do i say this, she is a perfectionist, she is mature beyond her years, she is a old soul, she sees things not quite like the rest of the kids, she doesnt things for people that most people dont do in a lifetime,shes an incredible girl, and i honest to goodness can not believe she is all mine. gianna started competition cheerleading this year and it really does take up most of her time. she practics, she taught herself to do all sorts of kartwheels and handstands and she seems to be very flexible, she is a natural gymnast. she loves her cheerleading and takes it very serious, gianna has been so mature lately sometimes i tell her to just be a kid and let things slide, but she always knows right from wrong, and makes sure she always does what is right. gianna likes to be the leader, i keep telling her that being a leader never got anyone in trouble and its more than ok to not want to follow anyone elses footsteps but her own, and well she pretty much does just that...gianna lost 4 teeth these past couple months, she has the typical kid 2 front teeth, and shes waiting for one more to grow in to be complete, she keeps asking when it will grow in and i say "in time" she doesnt particularly like that answer, but i have no other one to offer, she wants her teeth and she wants them now, ;)
gianna has been talking about college lately and i can hardly believe my ears,i didnt know that 8 year olds cared about college, but i told her where ever she chooses to go i will follow her and do everything for her so she doesnt have to worry about anything but school, and she was perfectly fine with that. ;) i told her this is because i am never letting go and when she is old enough to be on her own, she has to still live with me and i will cook and clean and watch her kids and do everything under the sun for her, she loves the idea. i think im just in shock that my baby is already in 3rd grade and getting so big, that i kind of just want to cradle her for ev er! you have to remember that gianna and i had such a special bond, we were babies together, we were learning everything together, it was all brand new and we made every bit of it work for the best. i am so grateful for gianna every single day. she is my "AH HA!" moment, i love my gianna and cant think of a better way to spend my life than raising her and to continue watching her grow into a mature, beautiful, well mannered little angel.